Prime Anesthesia PLLC
Mobile Anesthesia Service
It is estimated that 10-15% of people avoid seeing the dentist or oral surgeon because of anxiety or fear. A high percentage are worried about procedural pain.
Nearly half of all Americans have neglected important dental or oral surgical care because they feel such intense stress when it comes time to schedule or show up for an appointment.
We offer onsite hospital level mobile anesthesia services.
Choices of Intravenous sedation through the more complex yet at times needed general endotracheal anesthesia. Your patients will fall along this continuum. We can accommodate the patients and office procedural needs.
Our goal is to assure your patients safety and comfort through their office based procedure.
The benefits of IV sedation/monitored anesthesia care, have allowed countless dental patients and dentists working with Prime Anesthesia specialists to restore the health and beauty of their smile and oral health.
Our mission is to make this service easy to institute in your practice. We do it all for you. Your practice and patients will benefit.
A painless, safe and stress-free experience fosters life long positive Dentist-Patient relationships.