Patient-Centered Anesthesia
“Anesthesia is an extremely important component of your surgical experience. I take great pride in providing you with an excellent experience. I am committed to educating both patients and families on the anesthetic plan as well as answer any questions you might have prior to and after your procedure”.
During your procedure, the anesthesia providers only focus is on you. They never leave your side, you are together until you awaken and prepare for discharge home. We utilize state of the art equipment and medications to ensure your comfort and safety. This equipment allows me to monitor your every breath and every heartbeat. Our goal is to provide you with a service that creates a pain-free and stress-free experience.
You will receive a phone call from the provider after you have set the dental/oral surgery appointment. During this call, we will discuss your medical history, surgical history, experience with anesthesia and we will answer any questions you may have. We will take this opportunity to explain the process to you so you can know exactly what to expect. The typical scenario is to have an IV placed, (usually in the back of the hand or lower arm). This is an easy task as we use a “freezing” spray to help with the slight discomfort during IV placement. Once the IV is placed we then available the appropriate monitors and place a nasal cannula on you for supplemental oxygen while you sleep. Utilizing the IV, then titrate the medication to allow you to drift off to sleep and remain asleep throughout the procedure. While you are asleep, you maintain your own reflexes and breath on your own. As the procedure is ending, we slowly turn the medication down and off. You then awaken quite rapidly. Once you achieve a level of awareness and are able to drink a small amount of water you can be discharged home with your family or a friend. (you will not be able to drive for 24 hrs following the anesthetic. There is little worry over nausea or vomiting as the medications We use help to limit this type of experience.
Regarding anesthesia services cost or charges. We are an independent anesthesia provider. We are not an employee of your dentist. We supply and bring all of the anesthesia equipment and medications. Prime Anesthesia’s charges will be separate from the dental or oral surgeons’ office. This will include the cost of medications, perishable supplies and my professional fees for providing the anesthesia service. My goal is to make this affordable so all patients can have access to hospital quality anesthesia care. These charges will be made to you the patient and fees will be collected at the time of the procedure. Credit cards, debit cards, cash, and cashiers checks are all accepted. We will supply you with an insurance claim form that can be used to submit to your dental or medical insurance carrier. We can not guarantee the reimbursement via your insurance coverage as they are all so different.
We look forward to meeting you.
Greg Aprilliano, CRNA
Prime Anesthesia, PLLC
Helpful Videos
Below are videos that may help educate you and your loved one.
The first video is a helpful video explaining the use of a balloon that your child will use. This is a fun way to engage them and make the initiation of anesthesia less frightening. Feel free to watch the “PEDIA Balloon” video with your child.
The second video labeled “anesthesia” is a short video of me discussing what to expect. We will cover more detail in person the day of the procedure of over the phone.
Please Watch this video with your child. It explains our special balloon! This is used to help get them off to sleep.
Pediatric Anesthesia What To Expect
This is a short video discussing your child’s upcoming procedure day and anesthetic.